We want to make it easy for you to find available resources. The links below are sources we know of and we're continually adding more. If you know of additional resources, please let us know!
Scholarships & Grants
Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) (maryland.gov)
Provides up to $2000 to assist eligible children and adults with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities with purchasing eligible services and/or items to address their needs. There are two application rounds per year and families are chosen by random selection.
Guide to LISS FY25_July2024 This guide provides a list of items that you need to complete the application.
Guide to LISS FY25_July2024 (Versión en español) Esta guía proporciona una lista de los elementos que necesita para completar la solicitud.
Apply here for LISS Grant: LISS Random Selection Application (maryland.gov)
The FY 2025 Random Selection Schedule
I. FY 2025- Round 1
- The online access link will close on June 30, 2024.
- Random Selection will take place on July 17, 2024.
II. FY 2025-Round 2
- The online access link will open on July 16, 2024.
- The online access link will close on November 30, 2024.
Random Selection will take place on December 15, 2024.
The Autism Waiver (AW) is designed to provide community-based, long-term, person-centered therapeutic services and support to eligible children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to enable home and community living as an alternative to institutional care.
Victoria's Victory Foundation VVF is a 501 C 3 dedicated to providing assistance with the day to day needs of those living with spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and other mobility related disabilities caused by an injury or diagnosis.
This company is also a non-profit but they help provide individuals with additional assistive devices. For example, a person may have a wheelchair for everyday use, but he/she would like to play basketball recreationally, and needs a different wheelchair to support that dream. They also do so much more, but this is just one example.
Application — Victoria's Victory Foundation At times applications are closed, but keep checking back for scholarship funding.
Grant funding for individuals and/or family assistance. You can only apply for amount needed up to $2,500.00. You have 90 days to use the grant. Funds not used by that time will be voided unless a Board extension is requested and approved.
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