• Social Security Disability Insurance

    We want to make it easy for you to find available resources. The links below are sources we know of and we're continually adding more. If you know of additional resources, please let us know!


  • Social Security Disability Insurance

    Even if your specific disability isn't listed below (SSA Blue Book), you may still qualify for assistance.


    What is SSDI?

    SSDI is Social Security Disability Insurance, a federal program that pays monthly, tax-free benefits to people who cannot work because of a qualifying disability. It is available to workers who have earned enough work credits to be insured through the program. To receive SSDI, you must submit a disability application to the Social Security Administration, or SSA. If approved, the amount you receive will be based on your earnings.

    SSA Blue Book- Lists of Qualifying Diagnoses:

    Listing of Impairments - Adult Listings (Part A)

    Listing of Impairments - Child Listings (Part B)

    SSDI Calculator - Disability Advice

    More info to come- We're working with an expert currently to assist with proper information. Feel free to reach out in the meantime.

    REM Program

    What is the REM Program?

    The Rare and Expensive Case Management (REM) Program is Maryland’s, case managed, fee for service alternative to HealthChoice Managed Care Organization (MCO) participation. The REM Program is for individuals receiving Maryland Medical Assistance with a qualifying diagnosis that is rare in occurrence and expensive to treat. The purpose of the program is to provide community-based care coordination services for people with specialized health care needs, providing access to high quality, medically appropriate health care services in a cost effective setting outside of a managed care organization.

    REM Program- Rare and Expensive Case Management - The Coordinating Center